September 23, 2012


A few days ago, I bought Addie a few pairs of leggings for the fall weather we are beginning to experience here in Cville.  I snatched a couple to bring into the fitting room to try out, including her current go to size of 18-24 months, along with the next one up that this store carried, size 2T.  As I hiked the pants up on her cute little chub legs I saw that the 2T would be the smarter size to get.  Has my little girl really graduated to T as in TODDLER size??

Creating a masterpiece 

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She has been acting so grown up lately! No longer a little baby. Adeline is so verbal! She can say and use over 100 words correctly.  Recently she has been learning the lyrics and tunes to new songs and often times we come across her singing to herself as she plays. A few of her favorites right now are If you’re happy and you know it, Twinkle Twinkle little star, and I am a child of god.
Biker Girl

Sharing a slurpee with Pop

She has also been saying prayers! She starts by addressing Heavenly Father, then as mom or dad says that we are thankful for our family, without any nudging she begins listing each member in our family.  It such a sweet thing to witness our little girl choosing the right at such a young age and doing what she has learned.
Addie saying prayers at church

She’s a good helper too. Her latest thing is to push up her bench right by the sink when Mom is washing dishes and, though she can barely see over the edge, she likes to grab the sponge and clean the dishes, just like mom.  She also takes good care of Samson. She feeds him breakfast and dinner and makes sure to have him wait to eat until she gives him the go ahead, “Oh-Tay!”

Cuddle time with her BFF

Even though it is a little sad to watch her grow up so so quickly, at the same time it is so exciting to watch all that she learns each and every day. We love our sweet toddler girl!

Loving playing in the rain

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